I simply cannot stress enough that a Positive Mental Attitude is essential in aiding recovery. With all that happened and continues to happen to me, it would have been so easy to just give in or even give up. DON'T !!! I am not looking for a medal or for praise for getting through my ordeal, besides its not over yet. Its just a simple decision you have to make. Do I fight on and hopefully get better or lie back, feel sorry for myself, say ''why me'' and then probably lose the battle. The decision was easy for me. You feel the whole worlds caved in around you, I know that all too well but think of your loved ones, think how much they need you to get better, feel their love and feed on their strength. Walk to the window at the hospital, look out and think...''I'll be out there soon, I'll be back home with my family all around me for as long as I want, not just the visiting hour, I will be back to normality, eating what I want and doing what I want'' it gives you such an incentive. But most of all, when your family visit, smile at them, give them hope. Although we are going through the physical pain, think of their pain. Once visiting hours were over, I always wanted my family to go away with a smile, with hope in their hearts. I made every effort I could to show strength even at times telling slight porky's (little white lies) that I was feeling great and all was hunky dory, but they weren't to know. So, stay POSITIVE even when things are so bad. Smile as often as you can, honestly this does help. A smile can release endorphins that are good for you. Also, one thing I did quite often was sitting up in bed and doing little exercises. In the beginning these were so hard to do as I had no strength nor muscle but doing them regularly you notice daily how much easier they are to do., This also means your getting better. I made lists of meals I wanted to cook when I got out, I made plans for day trips out for when I got home, a holiday etc....all these little things help...I promise.
............. and see the results.
Thank you so much for starting your journal and blogging. I have been going thru pure mental and physical hell for 3 months now. I startedout just like you with a GYN operation that ended horribly with me developing an abysess in my intestine and having to have emergency surgery which ended with a colostomy (reversal they tell me).
Not to be too long winded but your statement about good mental health and a good support team is key is very true. Unfortunately I did not have any nurses to visit my home to help me along the process and my fiancee bailed on me and broke up with me and my family was too far away to help immediately. I did not go the cousneling and anti depressant route although I now wish I had cause it can get pretty bad.
I am still waiting for my reversal surgery to occur. My Dr says no surgery until my intial surgery wounds have healed and all drainage wounds have closed. Is this what you had to wait for as well?
Hello Lynn, Thankyou for your email. So sorry to hear of your pain and suffering. You can ontact me personally if you prefereither via email rachelebruce@btopenworld.com or I am happy to speak to you and offer any help/advice I can. 0161 6204620 . I look forward to hearing from you x
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