Thursday, 18 September 2008


Sod the diet is what I say! I know they advise you on what to eat and what not to eat but I did not want any more change to my life than I already had to experience with having 'Beanie'. I have never been a big girl and sorry to all of you that struggle with weight issues, but I could always eat what I wanted and never really put on too much weight. Its a blessing handed down the family line. I was told once that I was either very happy with a high metabolic rate or I had a Tape Worm!! So, I do still eat what and when and how ever much I want. There are side effects to certain foods and drinks but I am happy to deal with them as and when and if they happen. The worst food but ones I love are Chinese and Indian, oh and cheese and onion pie and beans!!. Then again, even those of you with no colostomy/stoma can have after effects from that kind of food. If I treat myself to the odd half of lager every now and again, I end up with a balloon on my hip! All these things are a small price to pay for eating and drinking the stuff you like. I simply did not want my Stoma to rule my life....simple

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