Thursday, 18 September 2008

Life Begins at '40' .......Bring it on........

Life Begins at ' 40 '


jennie said...

Hi Rachel
Your Blog has been good for us to see what is is like emotionally for a patient go through after and during this operation. Will be recommending that my fellow student's have a read. We currently only see patients for the few days they are in hospital (now trying for no more than 5 days post opp) with follow ups by telephone and the stoma nurses visiting. Jennie (student nurse on gastro surgical ward)

Rachel said...

Hello Jennie, Thankyou for your email and I do hope that my blog helps you and your fellow students. To be perfectly honest I have omitted alot of the trauma and 'bad stuff' as I am sueing and didnt want to in anyway hamper my case I truly believe that a lot of lives could be saved if a certain few medical professionals were to treat patients as human beings and not just simply patient number bla bla bla. Empathy I believe is paramount, to listen to your patients needs and worries as no-one is exactly the same, not everyone has the same pain barriers or recovery time etc etc. This is what cused me most of my problems to be honest with you. If you wish to contact me through my personal email address, please feel free and I would
be very happy to help in anyway I can Jennie.

Many thanks
